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  • Clear-K9 Ear Drops

    • Created by vets and trainers.
    • Cleans and soothes with natural care.
    • Breaks up wax and removes debris.
    • Safe ear drops for dogs and cats.

    Clear-K9 Ear Drops

    Why choose Clear-K9 Ear Drops?

    Clear-K9 is a gentle yet powerful ear drop solution designed to keep your pet’s ears clean and healthy. Enriched with natural ingredients like glycerine, lavender oil, and salicylic acid, Clear-K9 breaks down ear wax and debris, promoting cleaner ears and making it easier for treatments to penetrate the ear canal.

    Perfect for use as a pre-cleaner before administering antibiotics, Clear-K9 ensures your pet’s ears are in the best condition to heal. The soothing formula also helps comfort your pet during the process, making ear care a less stressful experience for both of you.

    • Gently breaks down wax and debris for a cleaner ear canal.
    • Soothing formula helps calm pets during ear cleaning.
    • Ideal pre-cleaner to use before administering ear treatments.
    • Easy-to-use dropper for precise application and minimal fuss.
    Formulated By Canine Specialists

    Our Quality Ingredients Include:

    Hydrating Glycerine

    Lactoperoxidase is a natural enzyme that helps inhibit harmful bacterial activity in your pet’s mouth, promoting a cleaner, healthier oral environment.

    Soothing Lavender Oil

    Mild abrasive silica helps combat plaque and tartar buildup without damaging sensitive gums or teeth, making it perfect for daily use.

    Exfoliating Salicylic Acid

    Zinc ions help freshen your pet’s breath and support healthy gums by aiding in collagen repair and accelerating wound healing.

    Using Clear-K9: How much solution do I need to apply?

    Flood the ear canal with the solution and massage the base of the ear. Use a cotton ball to remove any excess solution. Repeat as necessary.



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