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  • Karl achieved off-leash freedom

    Meet Karl:


    Karl’s owner, Lynn, used to experience signs of restlessness and anxiety in Karl. He would find it hard to settle at home and walks were stressful, with every distraction taking his focus away from Lynn.


    Lynn started to feed Karl Calm-K9 once a day and noticed a big difference in his wellbeing and confidence. It started to be noticeable on walks, where Lynn started to feel that Karl was checking in with her frequently, and he was present with her 90% of the time!


    Now, Lynn and Karl can have relaxed woodland walks where Karl can roam freely in just his collar – no harness or lead needed!


    By combining Calm-K9 with Karl’s normal meals and training, Lynn was able to provide some additional support for Karl’s natural ability to relax and focus.


    How does Calm-K9 work?


    This is because the way that Calm-K9 works is to support the relationship between a dog’s gut and nervous system which, research has shown, influences stress and anxiety levels. Calm-K9 is unique in that it uses all-natural, non-sedative superfood ingredients to support this relationship so that dogs can find a natural state of optimism and confidence.


    The Calm-K9 powder is easy to feed and comes in powder form, which can easily be sprinkled on kibble or raw food.


    Lynn said “We are going through a unsettled time at the moment, we are moving and there are lots of different people in our house as well as cars, noises etc. it’s not easy but I would not like to think of how he would be without K9.”


    If, like Lynn, you would like to start your journey with Calm-K9, head over to our product page:


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