⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"Being sceptical I held back from rating until I finished the first carton. My dog has improved no end in the six weeks. She is calmer, walks on a loose lead at my pace and her recall is virtually instantaneous. I have just ordered three more pots." - Terence May
Provide natural support to the brain and gut in a scoop-a-day!
Your dog’s brain and gut impact on their behaviour, which can limit training progress and seem like you aren't making any progress at all at times!
CALM-K9 has been specifically formulated by vet, behaviourist, trainers and a team of nutritionists to provide natural support to your training by helping to support your dog's brain and gut microbiome.
And to make sure your training is on the right track too - we send you a free training eBook with every pot!
By considering these pieces of the puzzle along with training, you can move closer to your dog's transformation potential!
What's your dream? Being CALMER? Less “REACTIVE”?
Or simply more able to have a relationship with you that you dream of and that made you get a dog in the first place?
3-Step multi-targeted approach to dog behaviour transformation.
High-quality natural ingredients - Made with mood-boosting Tryptophan, a gut supporting probiotic, soothing L-glutamic Acid, and calming Passiflora and Lemon Balm.
Ongoing support - CALM-K9 can be given on an ongoing basis to support them through life's unexpected events and to support your training and lifelong relationship!
Rapid Acting - Some changes seen straight away, others taking 50 days.
Helps all dogs - Whatever the breed, age or size of your dog.
Works with any diet - just add one scoop per day.