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    Yep! There really is a 100% natural product that truly will get rid of your dog’s unwanted ‘friends’. It also has a whole host of other benefits that you’re about to learn! It's called BUG-K9.

    Whatever breed, age, shape or size dog you have, we're confident BUG-K9 is going to work for you


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    The anti-parasitic market has been dominated for many years by a blanket approach to treating worms, ticks and fleas - solely using potentially harmful chemicals and forgetting about other methods.

    We got tired of worrying about people putting chemicals on their dogs that have warnings like:

    🚫Wear gloves while applying!

    🚫Wash off hands immediately!
    🚫Do not let your dog swim after application!

    On top of the health concerns to dogs and owners alike there is also increasing evidence of pollution to homes, rivers and water courses stemming from veterinary flea products.

    The A-OK9 team of nutritionists formulated BUG-K9, a natural powder Anti-parasite supplement specifically designed to protect dogs from fleas, ticks and worms… without any synthetic chemicals WHATSOEVER!

    BUG-K9 - An all-natural, immune boosting anti-parasitic dietary supplement designed to protect dogs from fleas, ticks and worms

    It harnesses superpowers from natural ingredients to promote year-round protection from parasites including fleas, worms.

    It helps all dogs - Whatever the breed, age or size of your dog.

    It works with any diet - just add as little as half a scoop per day.

    How does it work?

    BUG-K9 is an easy to give food supplement that owners add to their dog’s daily food (as little as half a scoop a day mixed in).  It’s a 100% natural superfood alternative to using chemical control.

    Our unique blend contains the following superfoods:

    In a study undertaken looking at the usefulness of pumpkin seeds on tapeworm it found that Pumpkin seeds had a 75% success rate in elimination and prevention of tapeworm.

    Used for centuries as a traditional remedy against all stages of intestinal parasites. Studies have shown that it seems to reduce the ability of the parasite to lay eggs and attach itself to the intestinal wall whilst damaging the adult worm, leaving it more susceptible to the dogs immune system

    Perennial herb, Fennel is rich in potassium, zinc and vitamin C. Fennel is also an excellent source of the essential oils anethole, limonene, anisic aldehyde, pinene, myrcene, fenchone and cineole. Anethole in particular has been found to have powerful antimicrobial properties but is also thought to be effective against worms and parasites due to the volatile oil. Anethole also gives fennel its characteristic anise flavour.

    In animal research, both ginger powder and ginger extract had anthelmintic effects, meaning reductions of up to 66.6% in parasitic eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces on day 10 of post- treatment in sheep. 

    Studies have shown that Cinnamon works in conjunction with Ginger to reduce infection of Giardia. 

    A whole host of other natural superfoods, including Peppermint, Selenium, Vitamin A and Zinc. All of which having been clinically proven to have beneficial properties in the treatment and prevention of parasitic infections.

    So why should I try BUG-K9?

    An end to parasites like fleas, ticks and worms...

    Easy to feed formula...

    Boost your dog’s immune system!...

    NO nasty chemicals on your dog, in your home or polluting the environment!

    Stop Parasites Without Chemicals NOW!


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